Why does ad quality matter? Your ad will perform better in the auction if it’s higher quality. Ads with a lower quality ranking tend to cost more, which may reduce distribution of the ads and lead to fewer results. In certain instances, if you repeatedly post policy violating or lower quality ads, our systems may start considering all ads from your Page, domain, ad account or other associated entities as lower quality. You can improve your ad performance by recognizing instances of low-quality attributes and removing them from your ads or by ensuring your Page, domain, ad account or other associated entities comply with our Advertising Policies. Over time, your ad performance should improve.
How do I determine my ad’s quality? You can measure the quality of your ad relative to other ads competing for the same audience by using quality ranking in ad relevance diagnostics. In certain instances, we’ll send you a notification so you know when low-quality attributes are severely affecting the performance of your ads.
What are tips for improving the quality of my ads? Do make sure your ads and landing pages are relevant and useful to your target audience. You can find additional resources on advertising best practices in our Help Center, such as Tips to Make Your Ads Resonate, Best Practices for Cost-Effective Creative on Facebook and Best Practices to Make Your Ad More Engaging. Do not use low-quality attributes in your ads and post-click experiences, including landing pages. Do violations of Facebook’s Advertising Policies result in a lower quality ranking for my ad? No. If we detect that an ad violates our Advertising Policies, we reject it.
Reference link : https://www.facebook.com/business/help/423781975167984