1. Dr. Dave Driscoll, a very credible and well respected authority on dentistry, just linked to a blog post that you wrote about how to floss from his website. When Google assesses the authority of your post and recognizes the link from Dr. Driscoll's website, which search engine function is at play?=Ranking
2. True or False? Google accounts for the majority of searches worldwide.=True
3. What is the primary goal of a search engine?=To serve users the most relevant content that matches their search query
4. What do you need to balance when doing SEO?=Focusing on the user and making it easy for search engines to crawl your website
5. True or False? The same SEO strategy will yield the same results for all websites.=False
6.How do you build discovery and relevance for search engines?=By creating lots of high-quality content on the topics you want to be known for
7. True or False? Authority directly impacts ranking strength.=True
8. Choose all that apply. How do you determine the authority of a piece of content?=b-The content is talked about often. c-The content is referred to often. d-The content is cited in other works.
9. What is a backlink profile?=