Certification Exam
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Question 1: Correct answer
Peter wants to target the buying committee of a select group of companies. Which step should he take?
Combine a target company list and leverage Job Function and Job Seniority too
Combine an email contact list with targeting attributes, such as Company Industry
Select Member Interests in addition to Job Function
Question 2: Incorrect answer
When setting up targeting, it’s recommended that you use Job Seniority and Years of Experience instead of age.
Question 3: Incorrect answer
Is it recommended to always build custom content for a LinkedIn ad?
Yes, new content is always recommended to get the maximum impact on your campaign
No, you can also repurpose existing content, such as social posts or customer case studies
Question 4: Correct answer
Is your bid price always the price that you pay?
No, because of LinkedIn’s second-price auction method
Yes, but only if I win the auction
Question 5: Correct answer
What is the perfect mix of brand awareness and conversion campaigns?
It will vary depending on your brand and industry
None of the above
Question 6: Correct answer
Ciara wants to see which types of professionals are visiting her website. Where does she find this information?
Matched Audiences
Campaign Demographics
Website Demographics
Question 7: Correct answer
Would you win an auction if you are the highest bidder?
Yes, the highest bidder always wins
No, the highest bidder never wins
It depends, creative relevancy matters
Question 8: Correct answer
Why is it not recommended to use age or gender as targeting attributes?
Because these attributes cannot be tracked on Campaign Demographics
Because they are inferred and can reduce your audience size by potentially 50% or more
Because they are not interesting professional traits for LinkedIn audiences
Question 9: Incorrect answer
Eliza has 2 different pieces of creative to advertise the same webinar. One has an image of the webinar’s speakers, and the other is an infographic. Her KPI is conversions based on webinar signups on her website. How should Eliza determine the best creative?
Target the creatives to the same audience and monitor performance for the highest number of clicks and CTR
Run each creative in separate campaigns, targeting separate audiences
Target the creatives to the same audience and monitor performance for the highest conversion rate and lowest Cost Per Conversion
Run the creative she likes best
Question 10: Correct answer
Victor is running a Conversion campaign. Which targeting options are recommended to reach his objective? Select all that apply.
Website Retargeting
Lookalike Audiences
Uploaded List
Interest Targeting
Question 11: Correct answer
Which sentence best describes Campaign Manager?
It is LinkedIn's ad management tool to create, launch, and evaluate the performance of your LinkedIn ad campaigns
It is LinkedIn’s tool to check campaign performance in addition to Campaign Creator, LinkedIn’s tool to create campaigns
It is LinkedIn’s tool to create ad campaigns and engage with different audiences
Question 12: Correct answer
Priyanka selected Brand Awareness as her objective in the Campaign Manager. Which ad types could she select to use? Select all that apply.
Conversation Ad
Single Image Ad
Video Ad
Carousel Image Ad
Question 13: Incorrect answer
Which targeting categories can you use when choosing your audience attributes in Campaign Manager? Select all that apply.
Question 14: Incorrect answer
What are the three things you need to do to succeed in your auctions? Select all that apply.
Ensure a consistent Conversion Rate
Strive for relevant and engaging content
Bid enough to be competitive
Optimize to achieve and maintain a high Click-Through Rate
Question 15: Correct answer
Which filter would you select in Campaign Manager reporting dashboard if you want to rapidly see all your Single Image campaigns?
Question 16: Correct answer
Which feature in Campaign Manager allows you to reach professional audiences on trusted third-party apps and sites outside of the LinkedIn platform?
Lookalike Audiences
LinkedIn Audience Network
Matched Audiences
Audience Expansion
Question 17: Correct answer
Which of the following is a mandatory targeting field within audience setup in Campaign Manager?
Job Title
Audience Expansion
Company Size
Question 18: Incorrect answer
Stephen has been running a Sponsored Content campaign for one month and has four creatives live. Two of the creatives are showing a very low CTR and a very high CPL. What could he do next?
Pause the campaign
Increase the bid for underperforming creatives
Pause underperforming creatives
Adjust targeting
Question 19: Correct answer
Which of the following is not a billing option in Campaign Manager?
Monthly Invoicing
Quarterly Invoicing
Credit Card
Question 20: Correct answer
Which ad format would you use if you wanted to deliver a direct personalized message?
Message Ad
Single Image Ad
Video Ad
Question 21: Correct answer
Tomas is running a follower ad campaign. Which metric should he primarily focus on to determine the campaign’s success?
Average CPM
Cost Per Result
Average CTR
Question 22: Correct answer
Which of the following Matched Audience targeting techniques can you use in Campaign Manager? Select all that apply.
Lookalike Targeting
Hashtag Targeting
Website Retargeting
Your CRM data
Account Targeting
Question 23: Correct answer
Ebony is looking to track downloads on an eBook her team has created. Her website’s policy takes 6 to 9 months to get new tracking tags implemented, but she needs to promote this eBook starting next week. Which product should she use with her ads to track downloads?
Website Retargeting
Website Demographics
Lead Gen Forms
Conversion Tracking
Question 24: Correct answer
What is the recommended way to track conversions?
Event-specific image pixel
Insight Tag
Question 25: Correct answer
Xavier wants to optimize his Website Conversions campaign to generate more conversions at a more efficient cost. Which of the metrics should he primarily focus on?
Cost Per Conversion
Cost Per Click
Question 26: Correct answer
Raquel is looking to use her current audience to reach more people. What could she do?
Set more competitive bids
Use the Manual Bid option
Enable Audience Expansion
Increase daily budget
Question 27: Correct answer
How frequently should you post on your LinkedIn Page to see a 2x lift in engagement with your content?
Every other week
Twice a month
Question 28: Correct answer
Which targeting tools can you use to reach more similar audiences? Select all that apply.
Lookalike Audiences
Audience Expansion
Question 29: Correct answer
Which demographics in the Campaign Manager reporting dashboard would help you better understand your site’s audience and reach your ideal prospects?
Campaign Demographics
Website Demographics
Question 30: Correct answer
When optimizing your targeting strategy, what are the two key elements you should think of?
Forecast and Audience
Cost and Engagement
Reach and Relevance
Conversions and Leads
Question 31: Correct answer
Isabelle is not getting many matches from her business emails. What could she do?
Make sure she’s also targeting by company name in addition to uploading her contact list
Target the company instead of the individual and layer on extra attributes to narrow her audience
Wait 24 hours for the system to process the external data
Question 32: Correct answer
Which of the following is a best practice to save time while setting up targeting for new campaigns?
Use targeting templates to pre-save and reuse audiences
Make a checklist template with your preferred targeting criteria
Forecast results based on your targeting criteria
Question 33: Correct answer
In addition to language and location, how many layers of targeting attributes does LinkedIn recommend you include when setting up your campaign?
No more than 7 to 8
There is no such recommendation regarding targeting attributes
No more than 4 to 5
No more than 2 to 3
Question 34: Correct answer
What can a Creative Manager role do in Campaign Manager?
Manage billing information for its related creatives
View the reports related to certain creatives
Create new campaigns and add new creatives
Edit and add new creatives but cannot create new campaigns
Question 35: Correct answer
Which method is used by LinkedIn to determine which ads are shown?
An optimized bidding method that gives preference to the best bid
An auction system based on bids, combined with a relevance score
A maximum bidding method where bids are reviewed and validated
An auction system based on a relevancy score
Question 36: Incorrect answer
There is a minimum spend to qualify for Monthly Invoicing.
Question 37: Correct answer
Sofia wants to find new audiences that have similar attributes to her existing customers. Which targeting method would she use?
Lookalike Audiences
Audience Attributes
Question 38: Correct answer
Can you exclude a contact list from your campaign with Matched Audiences?
Question 39: Correct answer
Nicole has a campaign targeting HR professionals, which is seeing a lower conversion rate than previous campaigns she has run. Using Campaign Demographics, she notices that her conversions are all coming from members at companies with more than 500 employees. What should Nicole do next?
Stop her campaign
Narrow her current campaign targeting to include HR employees at companies with more than 500 employees
Create a website audience
Question 40: Correct answer
Which new features do you have access to when you install the LinkedIn Insight Tag? Select all that apply.
Campaign Demographics
Audience Expansion
Conversion Tracking
Website Demographics
Question 41: Correct answer
Louise is running an ad campaign that is not reaching its budget. What changes can she make? Select four.
Increase the daily budget
Use the LinkedIn Audience Network
Enable Audience Expansion
Use the Maximum delivery (Automated) bidding option
Use the Manual Bid option
Set more competitive bids
Question 42: Correct answer
What is the difference between using AND or OR targeting?
Targeting using AND widens your results, while targeting using OR narrows them
Targeting using AND narrows your results, while targeting using OR widens them
Targeting using AND works with any attribute, while targeting using OR doesn’t work with interests
Targeting using OR is not recommended when Audience Expansion is enabled
Question 43: Correct answer
Alessandra won an auction where her bid price was $25, and the second highest price was $24. How much will she pay?
Question 44: Correct answer
When setting up a conversion action, are you able to modify the conversion window?
Question 45: Correct answer
What is the definition of Reach in campaign reporting?
The average number of impressions served to each unique user
The number of opens for the ads divided by the number of sends
The unique number of people exposed to at least one impression
The amount of clicks in your campaign divided by the number of impressions
Question 46: Correct answer
LinkedIn ads allows you to reach the largest global community of professionals.
Question 47: Correct answer
Which campaign objective should you choose from Campaign Manager if your objective is Engagement?
Question 48: Correct answer
Can you customize the columns of your Campaign Manager reporting dashboard?
Question 49: Correct answer
Juan is launching his first ad campaign on LinkedIn. Based on LinkedIn’s recommendation, how long should he let the ads run before making optimizations?
A couple of days
There is no minimum recommended time before optimizing
At least a week
Two months
Question 50: Correct answer
Which of the following is a targeting option? Select all that apply.
Company Connections
Member Skills
Your Company Followers
Member Groups
Company Growth Rate
Question 51: Correct answer
Why is it important to choose the right objective in Campaign Manager?
Because your campaign objective guarantees your performance
Because your campaign objective determines your targeting options
Because your objective determines your campaign settings and how LinkedIn optimizes it to ensure success
Question 52: Correct answer
Which of the following targeting actions can you not do with LinkedIn Campaign Manager?
Target members by household income
Target specific companies
Retarget website visitors
Upload lists of contacts
Question 53: Correct answer
Which of the following is not a marketing objective that you can meet with LinkedIn ads?
Drive awareness
Increase the sales closing ratio
Increase consideration
Drive conversions
Question 54: Correct answer
Can you target all the LinkedIn members that work in a certain company?
Yes, if there are at least 300 employees in the audience
Question 55: Correct answer
Jimmy wants to see the type of professionals who are seeing and engaging with his ads. Where does he find this information?
Campaign Demographics
Website Demographics
Matched Audiences
Question 56: Correct answer
Ally is checking her Website Demographics and identifies certain visitors who left the product page without making a purchase. What could she do to drive customers down the funnel?
Use Conversion Tracking to motivate them to purchase
Create a Brand Awareness campaign to give them more information about her products
Use Website Retargeting to remind them to purchase when they log into LinkedIn
Question 57: Correct answer
Which feature in the Campaign Manager reporting dashboard would you use if you want to visualize how your campaigns are performing over time?
Campaign Demographics
Website Demographics
Performance Chart
Campaign Groups
Question 58: Correct answer
Why should you create a LinkedIn Page? Select all that apply.
Because an active LinkedIn Page makes your company more searchable
Because your LinkedIn Page is the first place members go on LinkedIn to learn about your products and services
Because you need a LinkedIn Page to set up LinkedIn ad campaigns
Question 59: Correct answer
When will a Matched Audiences campaign begin serving?
Once the Matched Audience has been processed, which can take up to 48 hours
Once the Matched Audience has been processed, which can take up to 96 hours
Question 60: Correct answer
Yolanda wants to increase awareness of her organization with Software Engineers. Which of the metrics below should she primarily focus on?
Reach, Frequency, Campaign Demographics
Reach, Frequency, Conversions
Website Clicks, Video Views, Conversions
Campaign Demographics, Clicks, Click-through Rate